Thursday, April 22, 2010

letter response

I got a letter the other day from one of my fans.

"Dear Dave,
What do you eat when you go camping?
Sincerely, Silas R. Tripplehorn"

Well Silas that's a great question. When I go camping i follow two main rules when bringing stuff to eat which will guarantee a maximum amount of fun:

The Two Rules of Camping as a Citybwoy:
Rule 1) Bring something you can stab with a stick and roast over a fire
Rule 2) Bring Something tasty you can get tore up on

A few weeks back I did just that. A friend of mine, James, was getting shipped off to the army so what better way to wish him goodbye than to get all of us in our late 20s/early 30s and get a few cabins out where the authorities don't care what we do.

Here's what I brought to satisfy rule #1: Tofurkey Italian Sausages. Tofurkey probably has the worst name I've ever heard and I feel embarrassed even thinking about saying it, but if you can say one thing about Tofurkey it's that Tofurkey knows how to make fake sausages. They also impale themselves nicely on a stick for roasting over an open firepit. I ate an entire four-pack that night

For rule #2 I usually fall back on old faithful here: Trois Pistoles beer-like drink from Unibroue. Now there are TONS of beer selections out there for vegans, and thanks to it's now super easy for us to figure out if a beer is vegan or if it has fish guts or honey in it. At 9% ABV this stuff is indeed designed to get you faded (and I think it's too high to consider it beer anymore), but it tastes great along the way. But honestly the biggest reason i get this is because there's a giant flaming nightmare horse flying over a church at midnight on the packaging. I don't think they could have made a logo more in tune with my tastes than that. Well maybe they could have put a Beholder fighting a Wizard or something on the logo, whatever, you get my point.

All and all a fun night of camping, friendship, vindication, and everyone being drunk and peeing in the woods. The sausages are exclusive to Whole Foods here in Omaha. The beer i think you can get more places like whole foods, Peony Park Hyvee, and I think Nomad has it too. I'm sure more places have it but those are where i usually get them.

Here are some more pics of us camping and being ridiculous (thanks erica's facebook and for the pics). I'm in the red hood:

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